
I just wanted to thank you so much for taking me out for a chat the other day. I have taken so much on board and am so excited to learn from you.

- Victorian Farmer's Market Manager, October 2012

From the feedback I have had informally from others was all good. Personally I was very happy with the outcomes and discussions from the day, and your help keeping us on track and focused over the whole day. Thank you very much for your support & insight. Really helpful & much appreciated.

- David McPherson, Treasurer, Pinewood Community Bank, July 2012

I can't thank you enough for your wisdom and intuition.

- Local Government Community Safety Officer, April 2011

Thanks again for coming out yesterday – the report and your suggestions and comments were extremely well received by the Exec and it provided some great discussion points. Your management of the meeting was also very effective and provided a good example too! It was a positive meeting and there were some a
‘light bulb’ moments for the Exec members, which was great!

- RoadSafe South East Secretary, April 2013