Community Directors' Kiosk


The Community Directors’ Kiosk (CDKiosk) is an independent consulting service designed for Community Bank® Boards and Directors across Australia.

CDKiosk can provide an extensive range of non-financial products and services to strengthen your Board’s business and community objectives.

CDKiosk personnel understand the Community Bank® model – as long standing Community Bank® steering committee members, company Directors, advisors and facilitators to other Community Bank® Boards – we’ve been around the model for over 12 years. We can bring that combined experience to your Board and your local community.


A presentation of the CDKiosk concept was made to BEN execs in 2013. There is no agreement, payment or other benefit between the parties.


New product

Staff Satisfaction Assessment

  • Online survey
  • Comprehensive report, with different sections for Board members, Managers, HR committee and Staff
  • Quick turnaround, between Board meetings

$1,149 (inc. GST) (Single branch site)

$1,377 (inc. GST) (Double branch site)

We’ve used it successfully with one single site company and one double site company

Call us!